What the ACCC does

  • We assess and enforce terms of access to the NBN in a special access undertaking (SAU) from NBN Co.
  • We enforce Telstra’s structural separation undertaking (SSU) and the plan to migrate Telstra’s customers to the NBN.
  • We set wholesale prices and wholesale terms of access for declared services.
  • We track and report on prices and competition in the communications sector.
  • We investigate claims of anti-competitive conduct in the communications sector.

What the ACCC can't do

Industry reporting and monitoring

Access to infrastructure services

ACCC inquiries and market studies into telecommunications

Subscribe to the Communication Information Network

Keep up with all the latest news in the telecommunications and internet sector.

Sign up to the Communications Information Network

Rules and advice for business and consumers

Volunteer to help track broadband speeds

The ACCC’s Measuring Broadband Australia program tests broadband speed and performance of volunteer households across Australia at different times of the day. 

We rely on volunteers around the country who host a testing device on their broadband connection.

Volunteers have access to information about their internet performance through a dashboard and receive regular report cards.

Sign up to participate at Measuring Broadband Australia

ACCC action in telecommunications and internet