What the ACCC does

  • We determine the terms and conditions of access to services provided over the NBN. We can do this through a special access undertaking submitted by NBN Co or through our direct regulatory intervention using a binding rule of conduct or an access determination.
  • We publish explanatory material about the non-discrimination obligations that apply to NBN Co.
  • We have been involved in determining and reviewing the locations of the NBN points of interconnect.

What the ACCC can't do

  • We don’t control the retail prices consumers pay to access the NBN.

On this page

What we do in regulating NBN services

Access to services

We regulate the NBN wholesale access service. This service is used by retail and other service providers to deliver broadband services to consumers.

We have a role in determining the terms and conditions of access to the NBN.

We can do this through:

  • a special access undertaking submitted by NBN Co, or
  • our direct regulatory intervention using a binding rule of conduct or an access determination.

In 2013, we accepted a special access undertaking from NBN Co. It expires in 2040.

Non-discrimination obligations

When they supply certain services or carry out related activities, network access providers are not allowed to discriminate:

  • in favour of themselves, or
  • between access seekers.

We publish and maintain explanatory material about these non-discrimination obligations that apply to NBN Co and other network operators.

See the Telecommunications non-discrimination guidelines.

NBN points of interconnect

We have been involved in determining and reviewing the locations of the NBN points of interconnect. A point of interconnect allows retail services and wholesale service providers to connect to the NBN.

The legal basis of our functions

Our functions are through Part XIC of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010.

NBN access undertakings and other projects