What the ACCC does

  • We collect information to monitor competition, track market developments, and inform regulatory decisions.
  • We publish reports on the communications market and specific topics using the data and information we collect.
  • We meet requests by the Minister to monitor or report on an aspect of competition in the telecommunications industry.

What the ACCC can't do

  • We don’t set the retail prices of mobiles or telecommunications.
  • We don’t resolve individual disputes about mobile phone and internet services. The Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman does this.

On this page

What we do in telecommunication monitoring

We collect information to monitor competition, track market developments, and inform regulatory decisions.

We collect information from:

  • telecommunication providers through record keeping rules
  • carriers and carriage service providers on specific functions and communication matters, under powers provided to us by legislation
  • Telstra on retail pricing information for basic carriage services. This is required by tariff filing powers in Part XIB, Division 5 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010
  • Telstra on Structural Separation Undertaking compliance reports.

Telecommunications monitoring reports

As part of our monitoring role, we must publish a report on our website by 31 December each year.

Current monitoring report

Previous monitoring reports

See Communications market reports for a complete list of reports we have published.

The monitoring report covers:

  • competition in the Australian telecommunications sector
  • changes in the prices paid by consumers for telecommunications services.

We do this to promote transparency and support competition in markets.

The report uses:

  • data sourced through our monitoring activities
  • information that telecommunications providers must provide as part of record keeping rules, undertakings or legislation.

Reports on specific topics

Telstra reports

Broadband performance reports

The Measuring Broadband Australia program provides Australian consumers with accurate and independent information about broadband performance to help in their purchasing decisions.


Other reports

Some reports we publish are prepared by providers as part of their record keeping, reporting and legislative obligations.

These include:

  • Digital radio services reports
  • NBN Co reports.

See also

Telecommunications and internet information for consumers

Contact the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman for help to resolve individual disputes about mobile phones and internet services.