Problem with a product or service

In many instances, when you buy products or services for your business from a supplier, you have the same protections as consumers. Here are some areas of consumer guidance that may be relevant to operating your business.

Business scams

There may be criminals who try to scam you or your customers by impersonating your business or well-known brands.

Operating costs

There are certain products and services that businesses consider or buy in the course of running their business. Here are some products that may be relevant to operating your business. 

Chasing or paying debt

Resources for small business

Learn more through our online education program

Our online education program is designed to help small businesses learn more about their rights and obligations under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010.

Complete our online program for small business

Subscribe to the Small Business Information Network

Keep up to date on news and topics relevant to running a small business.

Sign up to the Small Business Information Network

Read our guide for small business

Next steps for business to report an issue

Businesses can report issues to the ACCC. This includes false or misleading claims by other businesses and anti-competitive behaviour. We use these reports to inform our education and compliance work.

Report an issue to the ACCC