What the ACCC does

  • We set prices for certain wholesale transmission services.
  • We may get involved in access disputes about wholesale facilities and equipment.

What the ACCC can't do

  • We don’t regulate all transmission services - only some.

On this page

About transmission services

Transmission services are high-capacity data links. They are usually fibre cables that run down suburban streets or between cities and regional centres.

Transmission, often called ‘backhaul':

  • carries large volumes of voice, internet and video traffic between two locations
  • forms the basis of the entire communications network.

What we do in regulating transmission services

The ACCC regulates transmission services where wholesale competition is lacking.

We regulate and set prices for certain wholesale transmission services. We may also get involved in access disputes about wholesale telecommunications facilities and equipment.

We do this to:

  • ensure service providers can supply high quality and reliable products to consumers in all areas of the country
  • help keep communication services competitive
  • encourage competition, efficient use of and investment in telecommunication networks.

The legal basis of our functions

Our work is under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 and the Telecommunications Act 1997.

Transmission services and facility access projects