Exemption applications28 Nov 2014
The code allows for regulation to be reduced at ports where appropriate. The ACCC may exempt a port terminal service provider from certain provisions of the code in relation to a specific port terminal facility.
Exemption applications from Emerald and GrainCorp
On 28 November 2014 Emerald submitted an application to be an exempt port terminal services provider in relation to services provided at its Melbourne Port Terminal.
On 5 December 2014 GrainCorp submitted applications to be an exempt port terminal services provider in relation to its Geelong and Portland port terminals.
Emerald and GrainCorp's made submissions to the ACCC in support of their exemption applications.
ACCC issues paper
On 12 December 2014 the ACCC released an Issues Paper to commence a public consultation process on the applications submitted by Emerald and GrainCorp.
Submissions were due by 30 January 2015.
See ACCC seeks views on regulation at Graincorp and Emerald’s Victorian wheat port terminals.
Submissions in response to issues paper
The ACCC received the following submissions in response to its issues paper.