Consultation on discussion paper11 Jul 2013
The ACCC issued a discussion paper to assist interested parties prepare their submissions on the declaration inquiry. The paper outlines the ACCC’s proposed assessment approach, an overview of the relevant changes to the communications sector since 2009, key issues we consider relevant to future regulation of the services, and a number of questions on which we are seeking submissions.
ACCC discussion paper
Approach to confidentiality
On 13 September 2013 the ACCC wrote to all parties who had made submissions the discussion paper.
The ACCC expects that parties will agree on and establish arrangements for the disclosure of confidential information with appropriate protections. To facilitate this process, the ACCC will provide a contact person for each party that has provided a confidential version of its submission. Parties that wish to obtain a confidential version of another party’s submission should contact the relevant contact person to make these arrangements.
The ACCC prepared a draft confidentiality undertaking that it considers is appropriate for the purposes of the fixed services review, and which parties may wish to use as a basis for making appropriate confidentiality arrangements.
On 18 September 2013 the ACCC received a response to its letter from MyNetFone Group.
On 25 October 2013 the ACCC received a submission from VHA on confidentiality arrangements for both the fixed services and DTCS declaration inquiries.
Confidential submissions
The ACCC received confidential submissions from AAPT, Herbert Geer (on behalf of iiNet), Optus, Macquarie Telecom, Megaport, Telstra and MyNetFone Group. An overview of the submissions received are sorted below by stakeholder, along with a designated contact person.
- FSR Declaration Inquiry - Discussion Paper - AAPT Submission (23 August 2013) - confidential version.pdf
- FSR Declaration Inquiry - Response to market information request - AAPT Response (30 October 2013).pdf
Danet Khuth
Corporate Counsel
02 9009 9928 (extn 69928)
Herbert Geer (on behalf of iiNet)
- FSR Declaration Inquiry - Discussion Paper - Herbert Geer on behalf of iiNet Submission (23 August 2013) - confidential version.pdf
- FSR Declaration Inquiry - Response to market information request - Herbert Geer on behalf of iiNet Response (18 October 2013).pdf
David Ohri
Herbert Geer
03 9641 8925
- FSR Declaration Inquiry - Discussion Paper - Optus Submission (27 August 2013) - confidential version.pdf
- FSR Declaration Inquiry - Response to market information request - Optus response (25 October 2013).pdf
Luke Van Hooft
Manager, Economic Regulation, Optus
02 8082 6454
Macquarie Telecom
- FSR Declaration Inquiry - Discussion Paper - Macquarie Telecom Submission (28 August 2013) - confidential version.pdf
- FSR Declaration Inquiry - Discussion Paper - Macquarie Telecom Supplementary Submission (17 September 2013) - confidential version.pdf
- FSR Declaration Inquiry - Response to market information request - Macquarie Telecom response (21 October 2013) - confidential version.pdf
- FSR Declaration Inquiry - Discussion Paper - Macquarie Telecom second Supplementary Submission (15 November 2013) - confidential version.pdf
Chris Zull
Senior Manager, Industry & Policy
03 9206 6848
- FSR Declaration Inquiry - Discussion Paper - Megaport Submission (6 September 2013) - confidential version.pdf
Dale Clapperton
General Counsel
07 3088 5926
- FSR Declaration Inquiry - Discussion Paper - Telstra Submission (6 September 2013) (includes appendix 1) - confidential version.pdf
- FSR Declaration Inquiry - Discussion Paper - Telstra Submission (6 September 2013) Appendix 2 - confidential.pdf
- FSR Declaration Inquiry - Discussion Paper - Telstra Submission (6 September 2013) Appendix 5 - confidential version.pdf
- FSR Declaration Inquiry - Discussion Paper - Telstra Submission (6 September 2013) Appendix 6 - confidential version.pdf
- FSR Declaration Inquiry - Discussion Paper/Response to market information request - Telstra Response (25 October 2013).pdf
Jodi Gray
Legal Counsel
Corporate Affairs
MyNetFone Group
- FSR Declaration Inquiry - Discussion Paper - MyNetFone Submission (17 September 2013) - confidential version.pdf
- FSR Declaration Inquiry - Response to market information request - MyNetFone Response (18 October 2013).pdf
Edward Parker
02 9994 8575