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Public reporting
Annual reports
The ACCC and AER annual reports provide a summary of our achievements and activities.
Legal expenditure
A statement of external legal services expenditure by the ACCC for the financial year ended 30th June 2015, published in compliance with paragraph 11.1 (ba) of the Legal Services Directions 2005.
Tenders and contracts
The ACCC manages and reports its tenders and procurements in accordance with the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013.
Executive remuneration
As a Commonwealth Entity we provide an annual update on the remuneration paid to the executives in the Commission.
Codes of conduct
Code of conduct for Commission members and associate members
There are conduct guidelines for Commission members and associate members.
Code of conduct for members of the Australian Public Service
Staff of the ACCC are members of the Australian Public Service and employed under the Public Service Act 1999.
As public servants engaged under this Act, ACCC staff must adhere to the Australian Public Service Code of Conduct and Values. There are procedures to apply in determining whether an ACCC employee has breached this code and, if so, in determining any sanction to be imposed on the employee.
- Procedures for determining breaches of the code of conduct and for determining sanction ( PDF 1.13 MB )
- Guidelines for determining breaches of the code of conduct and for determining sanction ( PDF 275.01 KB )
ACCC staff must also follow and abide by Australian Government legislation which ensures Australian Government employees act in an accountable and transparent manner and in the public interest. The Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013, for example, sets out the financial management, accountability and audit obligations of agencies that are financially part of the Commonwealth.
In addition, the ACCC’s enterprise agreement, which is negotiated between ACCC staff and management, outlines the terms and conditions of employment at the ACCC and is available from Working with us.
Media code of conduct
This code of conduct relates to the ACCC’s enforcement activities (excluding mergers) which include actions the ACCC takes to identify, investigate, prosecute and resolve potential breaches of Part IV of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 and the Australian Consumer Law (Schedule 2 to the Act).
Accountability framework for investigations
The ACCC has a number of systems, processes and governance and management structures in place which enable it to exercise its powers as a competition and consumer agency in an accountable and transparent manner.
The ACCC’s investigative process consists of different stages and timeframes.
- ACCC’s accountability framework for investigations
- ACCC investigative stages and timeframes ( PDF 35.92 KB )
Information handling
Freedom of information (FOI)
The ACCC provides required information under the Freedom of Information Act 1982. This includes:
- the Information Publication Scheme
- information on Freedom of Information requests
- the ACCC Disclosure Log.
Privacy statement
The ACCC has a Privacy statement in line with the Privacy Act 1988 and the Information Privacy Principles contained in that Act.
Indexed file lists
Indexed file lists created in accordance with Senate Continuing Order No 10. The lists are tabled twice a year and are in file number order.
Fraud prevention
The ACCC is committed to promoting and maintaining an organisation free from fraud.
Public interest disclosure
Legislation for a public interest disclosure scheme commenced on 15 January 2014. The ACCC has established agency procedures for dealing with public interest disclosures.
Regulator Performance Framework
The Australian Government’s Regulator Performance Framework has established a common set of 6 key performance indicators that allow for the assessment of Commonwealth regulators’ performance in administering regulation.
Audit and Risk Committee
The Audit and Risk Committee operates independently of management and plays a key role in assisting the Chair to discharge their responsibilities for the efficient, effective and ethical use of Commonwealth resources. This committee also provides independent advice to the Chair on the Agency’s financial and performance reporting, risk oversight and management, and systems of internal control.
ACCC and Audit and Risk Committee - Terms of Reference ( PDF 325.7 KB )