Draft decision4 Apr 2013

On 4 April 2013 the ACCC released its draft decision on the SAU and a consultation paper on a notice to vary the SAU.

ACCC draft decision and consultation paper

The draft decision took into account information provided to the ACCC by NBN Co and stakeholders that lodged submissions with the ACCC. In its draft decision, the ACCC stated that it is not satisfied that the SAU has met the statutory criteria under section 152CBD.

The consultation paper outlined proposed variations to the SAU that would facilitate NBN Co's ability to lodge a varied SAU capable of meeting the statutory criteria.


Confidential submissions

Telstra provided the ACCC with a confidential submission to the draft decision on the SAU and consultation paper on the notice to vary:

  • Telstra's response to the ACCC Consultation Paper - variation of NBN Co Special Access Undertaking (2 May 2013)

To obtain the confidential submission contact:

Jodi Gray
Legal Counsel, Corporate Affairs
Lvl 37, 242 Exhibition Street, Melbourne VIC Australia
03 8649 6264
M 0419 019 240