Undertaking date
Undertaking type
Company or individual details
Linfox Armaguard Pty LtdACN
099 701 872
On 13 June 2023, the ACCC decided, pursuant to section 88(1) of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (the Act), to authorise the proposed merger of Linfox Armaguard Pty Ltd (Armaguard) and Prosegur Australia Holdings Pty Ltd (Prosegur) (together, the Applicants). The ACCC granted authorisation on the condition, pursuant to section 88(4) of the Act, that the Applicants give, and comply with, an undertaking to the ACCC under section 87B of the Act (the Undertaking).
The Applicants applied for authorisation to engage in the conduct described in application MA1000022, namely to merge their cash distribution and management services (cash-in-transit services), device monitoring and maintenance and ATM services businesses in Australia (the Proposed Acquisition).
The ACCC is satisfied in all the circumstances that, provided the Applicants give, and comply with, the Undertaking, the Proposed Acquisition would be likely to result in a public benefit that would outweigh the public detriment likely to result from the Proposed Acquisition.
The Undertaking places obligations on the merged Armaguard Prosegur entity with respect to:
- price terms;
- non-price terms;
- geographic coverage;
- register of surplus sites for Approved Cash Centres;
- register of personnel;
- register of Surplus Equipment;
- services to Independent ATM Deployers;
- third party access to cash centres;
- complaints handling process; and
- dispute resolution process.
Details regarding the anti-competitive or other detriments and the public benefits are in the ACCC’s authorisation determination (available on the Merger Authorisation Public Register).