Description of Conduct

On 6 April 2020, the Financial Services Council (FSC), on behalf of its member life insurance companies, lodged an application for authorisation to give effect to a commitment to ensure that healthcare workers are not denied life insurance, will not be charged higher premiums and will not have benefits excluded, purely due to exposure, or potential exposure, to COVID‑19 (the Conduct).

FSC also requested interim authorisation for the Conduct on an urgent basis so that insurers could start implementing the commitment as soon as possible.

On 9 April 2020, the ACCC granted urgent interim authorisation to the Conduct.

On 17 June 2020, the ACCC issued a draft determination proposing to grant authorisation for 12 months from the date on which final authorisation is granted, subject to two conditions. The full draft determination document can be found below.

On 16 July 2020, the ACCC granted conditional authorisation to the FSC and its member life insurance companies to give effect to the Conduct. Authorisation has been granted until 31 July 2021. The final determination document can be found below.

If no application for review of the determination is made to the Australian Competition Tribunal, the authorisation will come into force on 7 August 2020.

Further information on the application for authorisation and the ACCC’s decision is available through the links below.

6 April 2020

Application for authorisation (and interim authorisation) lodged.

9 April 2020

Interim authorisation granted.

23 April 2020

Public consultation process begins.

15 May 2020

Closing date for submissions on the substantive application for authorisation from interested parties.

June 2020

Applicant responds to issues raised in the public consultation process.

17 June 2020

Draft determination

June/July 2020

Public consultation on draft determination including any conference if called.

16 July 2020

Final determination.

7 August 2020

Authorisation comes into effect.



  • Financial Services Council

Authorisation number(s)

  • AA1000494-1


Document title Date
Application Received


Submissions - after draft decision