On 7 August 2018 the ACCC commenced an inquiry into whether to extend, vary or revoke the domestic mobile terminating access service (MTAS) declaration, or make a new declaration. The ACCC issued a discussion paper inviting submissions on the declaration inquiry by 14 September 2018.

On 2 May 2019 the ACCC released a draft report for comment. The consultation period closed on 31 May 2019.

On 28 June 2019 the ACCC concluded its inquiry into the domestic mobile terminating access service (MTAS) and released a final report on its findings. The ACCC has decided to extend the declaration of voice MTAS for a further five years and remove the declaration of SMS MTAS after a transition period of six months.

MTAS access determination inquiry

On 6 June 2019 the ACCC commenced the public inquiry on whether to extend, vary, or revoke the current domestic MTAS final access determination. The ACCC expects to release a discussion paper in August 2019 once it has made a decision in the declaration inquiry for the MTAS. Further information on the MTAS access determination public inquiry can be found at: Mobile Terminating Access Service access determination inquiry - 2019.
