Consultant report21 Aug 2009

The ACCC has released an updated version of the Analysys Mason Assessment of possible modifications to the Analysys cost model.

Analysys fixed network cost model

The Analysys cost model provides estimates of the price of a set of current declared services, including:

  • PSTN OA and TA
  • ULLS
  • LCS
  • WLR
  • LSS

The ACCC released the model for consultation in December 2008. In all 26 parties requested access to the Analysys cost model during the consultation period and, of those, four made submissions. Based on the responses to the consultation, where it was considered necessary and/or appropriate, the Analysys cost model was revised.

The Analysys cost model (version 2.0), included the inputs outlined in Appendix 2 of the draft pricing principles and indicative prices report.

Note: The updated Analysys model has been compressed. Users may need to update their compression software (e.g. WinZip) to access the model. If users have further problems, please contact John Skinner at or 02 9230 3855.

Updated Analysys Mason report

The ACCC has released an updated version of the Analysys Mason Assessment of possible modifications to the Analysys cost model.

ACCC’s Specific Costs model

The Specific Costs model calculates the monthly specific costs charge for the ULLS and LSS. The structure of the model reflects the discrete cost models that Telstra developed in previous regulatory proceedings for the LSS specific costs and ULLS specific costs and combines data from the two.

Parties who wish to receive a copy of the ACCC’s Specific Costs cost model should email with correspondence copied to