Undertaking date

Undertaking type

s.87B undertaking

Reference number



ss. 52, 53(aa) & 53(e)

Company or individual details

  • Name

    Gotalk Limited


    091 707 970


As part of the settlement of proceedings NSD 314 of 2009 ACCC v Cardcall Pty Limited gotalk Limited provided a Variation to the s87B Undertaking given by it on 18 June 2008.

Undertaking to be extended by 12 months, Cardcall to undertaking live monitoring of calls to its call centre number 1300 663 570 number.

Cardcall to provide a report each month to the Chief Executive of gotalk on conduct of call centre operators in terms of compliance with Part V of the Act, accuracy and clarity of product information provided to consumers and action taken on complaints received.

Advertising templates to be reviewed by legal practitioner  and any material changes proposed to receive advice on compliance of advertising material with the TPA.

Training of staff involved in preparation of Cardcall advertising material to impart specific awareness of the TPA and the orders made by the Federal Court on 22 May 2009.


current positiondatetitlevariation status
12 Jun 2008 Gotalk Limited - variation - s.87B undertaking variation of original
18 Jun 2008 Gotalk Ltd - s.87B undertaking original