Determination details
Determination date |
07/10/2015 |
Determination type |
Final access determinations |
Determination commencement date |
01/11/2015 |
Determination expiry date |
The day immediately before the day on which a new access determination comes into force (Competition and Consumer Act 2010, s 152BCF(10)). |
Extension of existing fixed line services FADs
On 6 June 2019, the ACCC decided to extend the existing final access determinations (FADs) for the declared fixed line services (LCS, WLR, LSS, ULLS, FOAS, FTAS and WADSL). The ACCC extended these FADs as it was not in a position to make the new fixed line services FADs prior to their expiration on 30 June 2019.
The existing fixed line services FADs were extended to expire on the date immediately before the day on which the new FADs come into force. Information on the ACCC’s inquiry into making new access determinations for these services can be found on the Fixed line services FAD inquiry 2018 page.
On 9 October 2015, the ACCC released its final decision on the final access determinations (FADs) for the seven declared fixed line services. These FADs replaced the FADs for the previous fixed line services (Final Access Determination Nos. 1 to 6 of 2011 for Fixed Line Services and Final Access Determination No. 1 of 2013 for the Wholesale ADSL service).