
  • Qube Ports Pty Ltd


  • Newcastle Stevedores Pty Ltd

Qube Ports Pty Ltd (Qube Ports) proposes to acquire 100% of the shares in Newcastle Stevedores Pty Ltd (Newcastle Stevedores).

Qube Ports is owned by Qube Holdings Ltd (ASX: QUB), which provides import and export logistics services across Australia, New Zealand and South East Asia.

Qube Ports and Newcastle Stevedores both supply general and bulk stevedoring services at the Port of Newcastle.

Market inquiries

Document title Date
Market Inquiries Letter


Date Event

ACCC commenced review under the Merger Process Guidelines.

Closing date for submissions.

ACCC discontinued its public review after Qube withdrew its application for informal merger clearance.

Project staff

  • Caylie McDonald
  • Eado Varon

Contact email