
  • RP Data Pty Limited

Notification number(s)

  • N96750


RP Data proposes to make two offers only available to persons who have acquired a membership from the Real Estate Institute of Queensland (REIQ):

(i) REIQ members who migrate from their current property data provider to RP Data and sign up to a 15 month subscription to RP Data's online property data information system will receive either:

(A) an additional 3 months' access to that system at no additional charge; or

(B) a 16 GB WiFi iPad 2,

(iPad Offer); and

(ii) REIQ members who do not have a current subscription to RP Data's online property data information system will receive access to the 'lite' version of RP Data's property data information system at no charge, once RP Data releases this 'lite' version to the market, on condition that they remain a REIQ member (Lite Offer).


Document title Date

ACCC correspondence