
  • All Pathways Advisers and CFP Pathways Adviser Council


Target Notification number Date lodged
Commonwealth Financial Planning Limited CB10000462-1


Pathways Advisers and the CFP Pathways Adviser Council intend to collectively bargain with Commonwealth Financial Planning Limited (CFPL) in relation to the terms, conditions and commercial matters with respect to the sale of CFPL's sale of its Pathways client books. 

Each participating Pathways Adviser is expected to enter into one or more agreements to give effect to the sale of the relevant client books, which will allow the Pathways Adviser's financial advisory practice to continue to service these clients under a different ownership and licensing structure in the future.

There are approximately 60 Pathways Advisers and 46 of these have agreed to participate in the collective bargaining group. The notification provides for the remaining Pathways Advisers to join the group.

On 10 January 2019, the ACCC decided not to object to the notification. The notification remains in force for three years until 6 December 2021, unless it is withdrawn or revoked.