
  • Council of Australasian University Directors of Information Technology Incorporated

Lodged on behalf of

  • See Attachment A of Notification


Target Notification number Date lodged
See Attachment B of Notification CB10000470-1


The Council of Australasian University Directors of Information Technology Incorporated (CAUDIT) proposes to collectively bargain with companies that generally sell computing information technology products and services (targets), on behalf of its members. The conduct relates to CAUDIT negotiating terms and conditions, which may include the products and/or services to be provided, the term for which the products/services will be provided, technical capabilities and performance, jurisdiction and limitations on liability. CAUDIT will also negotiate, in some instances, the final price that will be offered.

On 20 September 2019 the ACCC informed CAUDIT that it would not object at this time to collective bargaining notification CB10000470. The ACCC considers that the conduct is likely to result in public benefits in the form of information sharing efficiencies, transaction cost savings and enabling better input into contracts for CAUDIT members. There is likely to be limited, if any, public detriments. The notification will remain in force for three years, until 29 August 2022, unless it is withdrawn or revoked. Please see the Statement of Reasons document below for more information.


Document title Date
Statement of Reasons

ACCC correspondence