The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has launched a multicultural information campaign on Goods and Services Tax pricing for consumers and business people from non-English speaking backgrounds.

"GST, Everyday prices and you in six languages - Arabic, Chinese, Greek, Italian, Spanish and Vietnamese - will help Australians from non-English speaking backgrounds understand how the New Tax System will affect the prices of everyday goods and services that they buy or use", ACCC Chairman, Professor Allan Fels, said today.

"On 1 July 2000, when the Goods and Services Tax is introduced and other taxes, including Wholesale Sales Tax, are abolished, many prices will change. Some prices will rise, some will fall, and some will remain the same.

"During the transition to the New Tax System, the ACCC has a watchdog role to protect all consumers, including those whose first language is not English, from price exploitation. The ACCC will help businesses understand their obligations, and let consumers know what to expect with price changes.

"Initiatives of the multicultural information campaign include an advertising campaign in ethnic media using selected newspapers and radio supported by an information kit targeting consumers and businesses.
"The ACCC has set up a GST Price Line especially for price queries or complaints. Businesses and consumers can call 1300 302 502 for the cost of a local call from anywhere in the country for information on GST pricing. There are multilingual operators available to assist callers. The ACCC is also registered with the Translating and Interpreting Service that means callers can have their questions answered in their language of preference.

"It is important for businesses to be aware that they must properly adjust their prices, to take account of the New Tax System changes, and pass on any savings directly to their customers. Consumers whose first language is not English may not yet be familiar with the New Tax System changes, and could be exposed to a greater risk of price exploitation without this information. The ACCC material on GST pricing issues specifically for consumers and business people from non-English speaking backgrounds includes indicative price guides and facts sheets on issues such as rents, lay-bys, and holidays.

"This material will enable consumers to know what to expect and to question any unreasonable prices if they see them. "If consumers or business people have any queries or would like more information, they can contact the ACCC on 1300 302 502".