The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has approved the nomination of Dr Rob Nicholls for the role of Independent Telecommunications Adjudicator.

The Adjudicator will be able to make binding rulings in respect of the processes that Telstra must follow in allowing access to its network. This includes rulings regarding the processes by which end users will be migrated from Telstra’s networks onto the National Broadband Network as it is built.

Dr Nicholls was nominated by the Office of the ITA Limited, the company charged with delivering Telstra’s commitment to provide a fast track, independent dispute resolution process under its structural separation undertaking (SSU) and migration plan. The ACCC approved the nomination after conducting targeted consultation with industry.

Telstra’s wholesale customers have expressed support for the appointment of Dr Nicholls. The ACCC is confident that Dr Nicholls’ extensive technical and practical experience will enable him to perform the role of Adjudicator.

The appointment of Dr Nicholls is the final regulatory approval required for the commencement of the Independent Telecommunications Adjudicator process. The ACCC recently approved the two key documents underpinning the process, the Office of the ITA Limited Constitution and Charter of Independence. These documents provide a framework to ensure that the Adjudicator will act independently.