LPG autogas prices around the Melbourne metropolitan area continue to hold at the average level of 29.9 cents per litre. Geelong prices were also recorded at this average according to the most recent survey conducted by the Commission (Friday, 2 October).

Information coming into the Commission over the last few days has indicated that some outlets are selling LPG autogas at prices considerably higher than the average. The Commission has raised this issue with industry players. The Commission now expects that some of the higher prices in Melbourne and the surrounding areas will be reduced.

The Commission will closely monitor movements in city and country LPG autogas prices over the next few days.

The Commission recognises that there are some significant cost pressures on suppliers. However, discounts have also been taken away. Suppliers are able to trade reduced discounts off against their increased costs.

Over the next week the Commission will monitor supply to understand the cost pressures currently being experienced by industry in trucking autogas from interstate. The Commission will assess what affects these cost pressures might have on prices.