A new Australian Competition and Consumer Commission newsletter, ACCC Consumer Express, launched this week, will keep Australian consumer organisations and their members up-to-date and fully informed about recent activities by the ACCC and the likely impact of action in the trade practices area.

ACCC Consumer Express replaces the ACCC's bulletin on Goods and Services Tax issues produced since July 2000. The revamp follows reader feedback which said that a broader range of topics would be appreciated after implementation of the New Tax System.

In the first issue consumers can find out details of recent changes to the Trade Practices Act, current investigations and inquiries, as well as general information about what's coming up. Each issue will inform readers about ACCC legal actions and results via a full monthly list of news releases.

The launch of ACCC Consumer Express is a further step in the ACCC communicating its role and the purpose of the law it applies to a wide audience.

Other consumer oriented communications initiatives include the new ACCC Infocentre, for consumers and business dealing with all aspects of the ACCC's work (telephone 1300 302 502), consumer-oriented publications and information, and the appointment of rural and regional outreach officers in each State whose role is to provide consumer information to non-metropolitan areas.

ACCC Consumer Express is a free publication which organisations may reproduce, in whole or in part. Its sister publication, ACCC Briefing, is written for a small business audience.