The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has secured the removal of a website,, which claimed to link transplant donors and recipients.

"The ACCC was approached on Wednesday (4/6) with concerns that the site may be misleading and deceptive," ACCC Chairman, Mr Graeme Samuel, said today.

"The site required a registration fee and claimed it could link donors to recipients.

"The website name intimated that consumers may be able to sell their organs through the site.

"However, there are legislative restrictions which preclude the sale of organs.

"The site was closed after the ACCC contacted parties involved. The ACCC continues to investigate the nature and extent of the organisation's activities.

"The ACCC is limited in its ability to make further comments while it continues to investigate this matter. Consumers should be cautious of sites that relate cash with organ donations which have the potential to undermine official organ donation*."
