The ACCC has published its determination on NBN Co’s 2021-22 Long Term Revenue Constraint Methodology (LTRCM) under its current Special Access Undertaking (SAU).

The ACCC must publish a LTRCM determination for each financial year (until 30 June 2023) on NBN Co’s allowable revenues, regulated asset base and an account to accumulate initial unrecovered costs under its current SAU.

The ACCC did not receive submissions on our draft LTRCM determination. Our final determination accepts NBN Co’s proposed LTRCM values. We are also satisfied that NBN Co’s prices have not exceeded the regulated price controls during the year.

The ACCC is currently consulting on a reset of the regulatory arrangements for the NBN. NBN Co has proposed significant changes to current SAU arrangements in a proposed variation to its SAU including regulatory arrangements for pricing and oversight of expenditure.

The 2021-22 final determination report is available on the ACCC’s website at: NBN Co - Special Access Undertaking.