The ACCC has issued a final determination granting authorisation to the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) and electricity industry participants for certain maintenance coordination and information sharing arrangements to ensure secure and reliable electricity supply, and minimise the risk of outages, during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Authorisation is granted with conditions that require AEMO to comply with a reporting and communications protocol, and for the immediate termination of any coordination agreements entered into upon the expiry of ACCC authorisation. 

The ACCC considers that the arrangements are likely to result in public benefits from providing greater capacity to ensure the ongoing safety, security and/or reliability of Australia’s electricity systems to deal with issues arising from the COVID-19 pandemic, and reducing costly delays to maintenance.

The ACCC considers that the coordination and information sharing is likely to result in some public detriment by reducing competition for maintenance services and other inputs. However, the ACCC considers that the detriment resulting from coordination in respect of these services is outweighed by the likely public benefit.

Authorisation is granted until 27 October 2022 (which is 12 months after interim authorisation was granted, as requested by AEMO).

The final determination follows the ACCC’s draft determination, and prior decision to grant interim authorisation on 27 October 2021.  Further information about the ACCC’s final determination is available on the ACCC’s public register at: AA1000586 - Australian Energy Market Operator