The ACCC has issued a determination granting authorisation to enable Gladstone Regional Council, Rockhampton Regional Council, Livingstone Shire Council and Central Highlands Regional Council (together the Participating Councils) to jointly procure recyclables processing services for three years.

The ACCC considers the proposed conduct is likely to result in some public benefits, such as transaction cost savings, economies of scale and environmental benefits. The proposed conduct is likely to result in little, if any, public detriment.

Authorisation provides businesses with legal protection for arrangements that may otherwise risk breaching the law but are not harmful to competition and/or are likely to result in overall public benefits. In this case, the Participating Councils may be considered to be competitors in the procurement of recyclables processing services, and therefore without authorisation they may be at risk of breaching competition laws by acting jointly.

Authorisation is granted until 31 December 2023.

Further information about the ACCC’s determination is available on the ACCC public register at: Gladstone Regional Council & Ors.