
On 21 December 2004, Sensis Pty Ltd (Sensis) announced that it had acquired Universal Publishers (UP). Sensis is a wholly owned subsidiary of Telstra, with a focus on advertising and search services including print and online Yellow and White Pages, CitySearch, Whereis and the Trading Post's publications. UP collects and distibutes digital and print mapping data and publishes maps and other travel related products.

Market definition

Having regard to the areas of overlap of the operations of Sensis and UP, the ACCC considered the relevant markets to be the market for print advertising services and the market for printed street directories. The ACCC also considered the impact of the acquisition in related markets including the market for the supply of electronic mapping information, the market for electronic street directories, the market for online search services and the market for online directory services.

Competition analysis

See the ACCC's Public Competition Assessment (25 February 2005) for a detailed competition analysis in relation to this matter.



Public competition assessment

Public competition assessment ( PDF 33.66 KB )