
Peerless Holdings Pty Ltd acquisition of Unilever Australia Ltd non-retail margarine and edible oils business and three retail margarine brands.

Market definition

The effect of the Acquisition was examined in the following markets:
a. the national market for the production and wholesale supply refined bulk edible oils;
b. the national market for the production and wholesale supply bakery fats; and
c. the national market for the retail supply of yellow fats.

Competition analysis

The ACCC decided not to oppose the proposed acquisition as it was unlikely to substantially lessen competition in the markets for edible oils and bakery fats due to the constraining effect of significant import competition. It was also considered that barriers to expansion into these markets were not particularly high for participants in the manufacture of crude oil as an input into these markets.

In the market for yellow fats, it was considered that the acquisition would result in a negligable aggregation of market share so as not to raise any competition concerns.

