
  • Ironbridge Capital
  • Archer Capital


  • Symbion's pharmacy and consumer product businesses


The proposed acquisition of Symbion Health Limited's pharmacy and consumer product businesses is dependant upon, and will be subsequent to, Healthscope Limited's proposed acquisition of Symbion Health Limited.

Market definition

The ACCC considered Ironbridge Capital's and Archer Capital's proposed acquisition of Symbion's pharmacy and consumer product businesses in the context of the national market for the manufacture of throat preparations.

Competition analysis

In reaching its conclusion not to oppose Ironbridge Capital's and Archer Capital's proposed acquisition of Symbion's pharmacy and consumer product businesses, the ACCC took into account, amongst other factors:
- the relatively small increase in market concentration as a result of the proposed acquisition; and
- the range of alternative suppliers of throat preparations.


Date Event

ACCC commenced review under the Merger Review Process Guidelines.

Closing date for submissions from interested parties.

ACCC announced it would not oppose the proposed acquisition.