
  • Consortium including Macquarie Bank Limited


  • Qantas Airways Limited

Market definition

See detailed Public Competition Assessment below.

Competition analysis

See detailed Public Competition Assessment below.

Public competition assessment

Document title Date
Public Competition Assessments


Date Event

ACCC commenced review under the Merger Review Process Guidelines. Market inquiries commenced.

ACCC requested transaction documents from the parties.

ACCC indicative timeline revised from 28 Feb 2007 to 22 Feb 2007 to accommodate the commercial process of the parties.

ACCC requested further information from the parties.

ACCC received further information from parties.

Closing date for submissions from interested parties.

ACCC requested further information from the parties and related entities. ACCC indicative timeline suspended pending responses to information request. Proposed 22 February date for announcement of ACCC findings delayed to accommodate these responses.

ACCC received further information from the parties. ACCC timeline recommenced.

ACCC announced it would not oppose the proposed acquisition.