Further extension to the inquiry period 22 Mar 2017

On 22 March 2017, the ACCC further extended the inquiry period for making a final access determination for the Local Access Bitstream Service (LBAS) until 28 July 2017.

The LBAS final access determination inquiry expiry date is now aligned with the SBAS interim access determination expiry date.

The ACCC was unable to complete its inquiry as previously extended. This is because the ACCC has decided to undertake a further targeted consultation on a three proposed modifications to the pricing approach prior to making a final decision on the SBAS and LBAS final access determinations under the joint final access determination inquiry.

On 24 March 2017, the ACCC released a further consultation paper for the joint SBAS/LBAS final access determination inquiry.

The ACCC intends to make a final decision on the LBAS and SBAS final access determinations by June 2017.