Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and the Australian Energy Regulator

Annual Report 2009–10

Part one: Year in review

Outlook and challenges for 2010–11


The next financial year will be one of consolidation, with the implementation of the ACL, the growing prospect of criminal prosecution for cartel conduct, and the expansion of the AER's functions.

The ACL will be implemented through the single-law/multi-regulator model as agreed by COAG, including the use of new penalty provisions, national leadership in product safety, the identification of unfair terms in standard form contracts, and a greater emphasis on consumer guarantees.

Activity under competition law is inherently reactive in responding to the market. The ACCC will continue to:

The next 12 months will require the ACCC to:

The ACCC will continue to balance the imperatives of business, the needs of consumers and its duty to enforce the law without fear or favour knowing that it affects 22 million Australians in almost every aspect of their daily activities.


The ACCC expects 2010–11 to be a challenging year as legislative reforms are implemented and the agency takes on new responsibilities. It has identified a number of specific challenges relating to enhancing organisational capacity; refining communication and engagement with stakeholders; and using the full range of tools now at its disposal to better promote competition and protect consumers in changing market environments.

Capacity building in an expanding organisation

Communicating with business and consumers

Fostering competition and consumer protection