Final determinations9 Mar 2021

On 3 March 2021, the ACCC issued the following determinations:

  • Telecommunications (Permitted Information Sharing for Standard Functional Separation Undertakings) Determination 2021
  • Telecommunications (Deemed Functional Separation Undertaking) Amendment Determination 2021 (No.1)

The Telecommunications (Permitted Information Sharing for Standard Functional Separation Undertakings) Determination 2021 specifies the permitted kinds of information provided by a carrier or carriage service provider to a retail business unit that can be disclosed to, or obtained, accessed or used by a wholesale business unit bound by the same standard functional separation undertaking.

The Telecommunications (Deemed Functional Separation Undertaking) Amendment Determination 2021 (No.1) amends the permitted information sharing provisions in the ACCC's existing deemed functional separation undertaking to align them with the permitted information sharing provisions in the determinations issued by the ACCC for the other forms of functional separation undertaking.

More information about the deemed functional separation undertaking is available at: Final deemed functional separation undertaking instrument