Project overview




The ACCC is the independent Australian Government agency responsible for ensuring compliance with the Competition and Consumer Act 2010.

The ACCC also has a role under the Copyright Act 1968. Under section 157A of the Copyright Act, the Copyright Tribunal of Australia is required to have regard to relevant guidelines made by the ACCC in proceedings about certain copyright licences and licence schemes, if requested by a party. The ACCC may also seek to become a party to such proceedings (section 157B).

The ACCC has developed ACCC Guidelines to assist the Copyright Tribunal in the determination of copyright remuneration (Copyright Guidelines), for the purposes of section 157A.

The ACCC notes that there are a variety of revenue sources available to copyright owners and content creators, and that these Copyright Guidelines only relate to the revenue that is available from collecting societies in the provision of blanket licences.

The ACCC consulted on a draft version of the guidelines in late 2018. Further information about the consultation, including submissions from stakeholders are available at the ‘Public consultation’ link below.

On 11 April 2019, the ACCC published the final Copyright Guidelines together with a report on the outcomes of the consultation. These are available at the ‘Final Copyright Guidelines’ link below.
