Undertaking date
Undertaking type
Reference number
Company or individual details
Symbion Health LimitedACN
004 073 410
On 25 October the ACCC accepted a section 87B undertaking from Symbion Health Limited (Symbion) in relation to Healthscope Limited's (Healthscope's) revised proposal to acquire Symbion's pathology, diagnostic imaging and medical centres businesses (revised proposal).
The undertaking ensures that Healthscope’s ability to comply with its section 87B undertaking given to the ACCC on 25 October 2007 (the Healthscope undertaking) is not affected by the new transaction structure.
The primary purpose of Symbion's undertaking is to ensure that Symbion, during any period in which it may control or otherwise be in a position to influence the affairs of Healthscope, will not in any way hinder or prevent Healthscope’s compliance with the Healthscope undertaking.
current position | date | title | variation status |
29 May 2009 | Symbion Health Limited - variation - s.87B undertaking | variation of original | |
❯ | 25 Oct 2007 | Symbion Health Limited - s.87B undertaking | original |