Undertaking date
Undertaking type
s.87B undertaking
Reference number
s. 45(2)
Company or individual details
Megatoy Play Systems Pty LimitedACN
054 503 908
Megatoy Play Systems is a company, which engages in the manufacture and sale of playground equipment. In October 1997, the Commission became aware of allegations that Megatoy and Moduplay were involved in an anti-competitive agreement pursuant to which both companies would refuse to compete with each other for the supply of playground equipment in NSW. Both companies later confirmed to the Commission that they had entered into such an agreement. In response to the Commissions concerns about this agreement, Megatoy undertook not to enter into such an agreement again in the future. Megatoy also undertook to implement a compliance program aimed at ensuring future compliance with the Trade Practices Act. Megatoy also undertook to donate $18 000 worth of playground equipment to a Council of the Commissions choice.