Undertaking date
Undertaking type
s.87B undertaking
Reference number
s. 50
Company or individual details
Kirin Holdings (Australia) Pty LtdABN
50 126 004 268 -
National Foods LtdACN
65 004 486 631
Second variation
On 24 July 2009 the ACCC accepted a variation to the s87B undertaking given by Kirin Holdings (Australia) Pty Ltd and National Foods to the ACCC on 24 July 2008.
The variation amends the undertaking to provide flexibility to National Foods and the Approved Purchaser in relation to the purchase and sale of certain assets which are required to be divested by the undertaking.
current position | date | title | variation status |
❯ | 24 Jul 2009 | Kirin Holdings (Australia) Pty Ltd - variation - s.87B undertaking | variation of 26 May 2009 variation |
26 May 2009 | Kirin Holdings (Australia) Pty Ltd - variation - s.87B undertaking | variation of original | |
24 Jul 2008 | Kirin Holdings (Australia) Pty Ltd - s.87B undertaking | original |