
  • Google LLC


  • Fitbit Inc


Google LLC proposed to acquire Fitbit, Inc.

Fitbit is a manufacturer and supplier of wrist-worn wearable devices and other related products. Google has an extensive range of interests including online search and advertising technology, mobile hardware and various commonly used software such as Google Chrome.

Draft undertakings

Document title Date
Undertaking consultation letter
Draft undertaking

Market inquiries

Statement of issues


Date Event

ACCC commenced informal review under the Informal Merger Review Process Guidelines.

Closing date for submissions.

ACCC is awaiting information from the parties. Former provisional date for announcement of findings (21 May 2020) is delayed.

ACCC received further information from the parties.

ACCC amended former provisional decision date (11 June 2020) to allow time to consider information provided by the parties.

ACCC published a Statement of Issues outlining preliminary competition concerns.

Closing date for submissions relating to Statement of Issues.

Former provisional decision date (13 August) amended to enable the ACCC to continue its investigation and engage with other competition agencies

ACCC commenced market consultation on proposed s87B undertaking. ACCC former provisional decision date (9 December) delayed to enable to the ACCC to conduct consultation and consider information provided.

Closing date for submissions relating to the draft proposed undertaking.

ACCC announces that it will not accept the current proposed undertaking.

As the transaction completed on 14 January 2021, before the ACCC had finished its investigation, this matter has become an enforcement investigation of a completed merger. No further updates on the investigation will be made on this public register.