Reference number
- Circular Energy Holdings Pty Ltd
Circular Energy Holdings Pty Ltd has lodged an application to register a certification trade mark “Sustainable Energy Commitment” (CTM 2243358). The mark is intended to certify that an organisation has made a commitment to acceptably meet the Sustainable Energy Commitment Criteria as set out in the CTM Rules. Circular Energy Holdings Pty Ltd provided the current set of proposed Rules on 29 March 2023, replacing the previous set of Rules received on 24 June 2022.
Public consultation on CTM Rules
The ACCC is consulting with potentially interested parties on the CTM Rules, prior to making an initial assessment. Submissions are requested by 22 November 2023.
Submissions should be emailed to CTMs@accc.gov.au with the subject “CTM 2243358 – Circular Energy Holdings Pty Ltd – Submission”.
Submissions will be placed on the ACCC’s public CTM Register, subject to any request for exclusion. Please indicate clearly in your submission whether you are willing for the ACCC to make it publicly available by placing it on our CTM Register, or are requesting that part or all of it be excluded (with brief reasons for any exclusion request).