11277 results, showing 1 to 20
On 4 February 2025, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) granted an exemption under section 56GD of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) to Beyond Bank Australia Limited from its consumer data sharing obligations until 9 May 2031, for certain accounts held by former AWA Alliance Bank brand customers in respect of transaction data prior to 9 May 2024.
On 19 December 2024, the ACCC made binding rules of conduct (the rules) that apply to a superfast broadband access service (SBAS) provided by Uniti Group Pty Ltd, Opticomm Pty Ltd and their related bodies corporate (Uniti Group), pursuant to Section 152BD of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (CCA).
On 20 December 2024, the ACCC announced that it had accepted a court-enforceable undertaking given by BXJB II Holding KK (0104-01-182081) on behalf of itself and its subsidiaries (BXJB) pursuant to s87B of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) (the Undertaking) in connection with the proposed acquisition of all the shares of I’rom Group Co (I’rom) by funds managed or advised by Blackstone Group (HK) Limited or its related bodies corporate (Blackstone) (the Proposed Acquisition).