
  • Premium Milk Ltd


Target Notification number Date lodged
Lactalis Australia Ltd (Lactalis) N10000535-1
Dairy Farmers Milk Cooperative/Lion (DFMC) N10000535-2
Norco Co-operative Limited (Norco) N10000535-3
Raw milk wholesalers and distributors N10000535-4


Premium Milk Ltd (Premium Milk) lodged a collective bargaining notification with the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (the ACCC) on 11 September 2020. Broadly, Premium Milk proposed to negotiate collective arrangements for the supply of raw milk to Lactalis Australia Ltd, Dairy Farmers Milk Cooperative/Lion, Norco Co-operative Limited, and raw milk wholesalers and distributors, on behalf of its current and future members.

Premium Milk requested the notification last for a period of 10 years.

On 12 November 2020 the ACCC did not to object to the notification and decided to allow it to stand for 10 years. The legal protection provided by the notification commenced on 25 September 2020 and it will remain in force until 10 September 2030, unless it is withdrawn or revoked. Further information about the ACCC’s decision is available in the Statement of Reasons below.


Document title Date
Notification Received


Document title Date
Statement of Reasons


ACCC correspondence