Description of Conduct

On 16 November 2022, the ACCC received an application from Coles Group Limited seeking authorisation for itself, Woolworths Group Limited and ALDI Stores (together, the Participants) and current and future Program Partners to engage in certain conduct in connection with an industry-led taskforce (the Soft Plastics Taskforce) to address the immediate effects of the suspension of the REDcycle program.

On 25 November 2022, the ACCC granted interim authorisation, with conditions, to allow the Participants and current and future Program Partners to coordinate in connection with the Soft Plastics Taskforce while the ACCC considered the substantive application.

On 30 March 2023, the ACCC issued a draft determination proposing to grant authorisation, with conditions for a period of 12 months.

On 30 June 2023, the ACCC issued a final determination granting authorisation, with conditions, for a period of 12 months, until 22 July 2024.

Copies of the ACCC’s final determination, draft determination and interim authorisation decision and the application for authorisation and variations are available below.


  • Coles Group Limited

Authorisation number(s)

  • AA1000627-1


Document title Date



Document title Date
CORRECTION - Condition 2, Progress Report from Applicants
Condition 2, Progress Report from Applicants
Soft Plastics Taskforce Meeting 20 Minutes
Soft Plastics Taskforce Meeting 19 Minutes
Condition 2, Progress Report from Applicants
Soft Plastics Taskforce Meeting 18 Minutes
Soft Plastics Taskforce Meeting 17 Minutes
Soft Plastics Taskforce Meeting 16 Minutes
Condition 2, Progress Report from Applicants
Soft Plastics Taskforce Meeting 15 Minutes
Soft Plastics Taskforce Meeting 14 Minutes
Soft Plastics Taskforce Meeting 13 Minutes
Soft Plastics Taskforce Meeting 12 Minutes
Soft Plastics Taskforce Meeting 11 Minutes
REDcycle Reporting Event
Progress Report from Applicants
Soft Plastics Taskforce Meeting 10 Minutes
Soft Plastics Task Force Meeting 9 Minutes
Soft Plastics Task Force Meeting 8 Minutes
Soft Plastics Task Force Meeting 7 Minutes
Soft Plastics Task Force Meeting 6 Minutes
Soft Plastics Task Force Meeting 5 Minutes
Soft Plastics Task Force Meeting 4 Minutes
Soft Plastics Task Force Meeting 3 Minutes
Soft Plastics Task Force Meeting 2 Minutes
Soft Plastics Task Force Meeting 1 Minutes
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