Description of Conduct

Agsafe Limited's (Agsafe) current authorisations, A91027 - A91030, expire on 29 June 2010. To allow Agsafe to continue to enforce the Agsafe Code of Conduct (The Code) Agsafe has applied for revocation of its expiring authorisations and substitution with new authorisations.

The Code requires persons and premises involved in the storage, handling, transport and distribution of agricultural and veterinary chemicals to be accredited through the Agsafe Accreditation and Training Program. The Code also provides for the imposition of trading sanctions on persons and premises that are not accredited, and manufacturers and retailers that continue to trade with those who are sanctioned. Agsafe seeks authorisation for three years to allow it to transition the industry to a new incentive based accreditation and training program.

On 27 October 2010, the ACCC granted authorisation to Agsafe for 3 years, on condition it amends its website and documentation to ensure they do not give the impression that only Agsafe can provide training and assessment for the 3 competencies that form part of Agsafe's Basic Training.


  • Agsafe Limited

Authorisation number(s)

  • A91234
  • A91242
  • A91243
  • A91244
