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Speech 30 Sep 2019 ACCC perspectives on transport issues address ACCC Chair Rod Sims addresses the Australasian Transport Research Forum on the ACCC’s perspectives on a number of transport issues, in particular the importance of having the right regulatory frameworks in place to ensure transport infrastructure projects serve the interests of the community. Speech 24 Aug 2017 Chairman's address to CEDA WA Chairman Rod Sims outlines the role of the regulator in a changing economy, including recent actions the ACCC has taken on infrastructure pricing, against cartel conduct and to improve consumer protection. Speech 20 Oct 2016 Ports: What measure of regulation keynote address ACCC Chairman Rod Sims delivers a keynote address at the Ports Australia Conference in Melbourne. Speech 29 Oct 2015 Speech on How did the light handed regulation of monopolies become no regulation? Speaking at the Gilbert + Tobin infrastructure workshop in Melbourne, ACCC Chairman Rod Sims calls for a return to the approach to regulation of monopoly infrastructure envisaged by the Hilmer Committee. Mr Sims also argues that it is wrong to suggest that we should not be concerned about high monopoly pricing of infrastructure because the result is only a pure transfer of economic rent. Speech 13 Nov 2014 The future of competition policy and its implications for Australian agriculture address Addressing the Australian Farm Institute Conference in Melbourne, ACCC Chairman Rod Sims explains how Australian agriculture can benefit from better competition policy. Mr Sims comments on the 'national champions' argument and advocates important changes to collective bargaining. Speech 07 Aug 2014 Regulating for efficient infrastructure outcomes opening address Chairman Rod Sims delivers the opening address to the ACCC / AER Regulatory Conference in Brisbane. Speech 30 Sep 2013 A future regulatory outlook address Addressing the University of Wollongong’s SMART international infrastructure symposium, ACCC Chairman Rod Sims discusses the role that appropriate infrastructure regulation can play in the wider productivity debate. Speech 25 Oct 2012 Ports – what measure of regulation? speech ACCC Commissioner Joe Dimasi explains the ACCC’s various roles which impact on ports as well as the ACCC's role in facilitating competition in order to achieve the best outcomes for the welfare of all Australians. Speech 11 Oct 2006 Competition at Australia’s ports speech Our ports are the international gateway for our trade activity, and ensuring they are functioning efficiently in a way that ensures reasonable and fair access for all players is crucial to Australia's future prosperity. Speech 19 Jul 2005 Regulating rail access and competition speech It is important to strike a balance between the efficiencies associated with integration, and the need to ensure the industry remains competitive. Speech 10 Aug 2004 The role of the ACCC and the Trade Practices Act in the farm sector speech Trade Practices law as it applies to small business and in particular those in the grains sector is going through a fairly dynamic time at the moment. Speech 22 Jul 2002 Australian shipping and best regulatory practice speech Examination of the operation of the Trade Practices Act 1974, particularly as it is applied to shipping. Speech 12 Dec 2001 Rail access and competition speech The Commission's role in rail industry access and competition arrangements, administering rail access arrangements under Part IIIA of the TPA and the Commission's role in assessing the competitive effects of rail industry privatisation under the mergers provisions of the TPA. Speech 30 Apr 2001 The ACCC's role in rail industry access and competition arrangements speech The ACCC's role in rail industry access and competition arrangements Speech 19 Mar 2001 Australian liner shipping regulation speech Regulatory issues in our maritime industries. Australian Shipper conference 2001 Page 1 of 1 Items per page (required) 25 items per page50 items per page100 items per page