Fulltext search (required) Topics Date range From (required) To (required) Set date range Quick selection This year to dateLast 12 monthsLast yearLast 5 years Advertising and promotions 38 Agriculture 19 Banking and finance 13 Buying and selling products and services 67 Cars and vehicles 6 Childcare 1 Competition and exemptions 282 Compliance and enforcement 87 Consumer Data Right 1 COVID-19 6 Debt 3 Digital platforms and services 28 Energy 67 Food and groceries 14 Franchising 15 Industry codes 32 Insurance 8 Mergers 57 Petrol and fuel 3 Postal services 2 Pricing 13 Problem with a product or service 17 Rail, shipping and ports 16 Regulated infrastructure 190 Scams 12 Stay protected 27 Telecommunications and internet 81 Travel and airports 10 Water 8 Pin topics filter Clear all Pricing 1 - 13 of 13 news items shown Sort by (required) Published dateRelevance Speech 31 Oct 2024 Framing the future of financial services: strengthening competition and consumer engagement In the keynote address for the Gilbert + Tobin Financial Services Forum on Thursday 31 October 2024, ACCC Chair, Ms Gina Cass-Gottlieb spoke about the significant changes happening in the financial services sector and the implications of these for the ACCC’s work. Speech 21 Feb 2014 CEDA conference: Looking forward to 2014 address Chairman, Rod Sims, announces the ACCC's priorities for 2014. Speech 25 Jul 2013 Congestion pricing: A challenge for regulators keynote address In a keynote address to the 2013 ACCC/AER Regulatory Conference, ACCC Chairman Rod Sims discusses congestion pricing, consumer involvement and the ACCC's regulatory agenda. Speech 17 Nov 2008 What professionals should know about the Trade Practices Act speech The Trade Practices Act touches upon many aspects in the working lives of professionals and professional associations. Speech 24 Nov 2002 GST activities of the ACCC since June speech New responsibilities to ensure that consumer's benefit fully from the introduction of the New Tax System Speech 23 Sep 2001 The role of the ACCC in the implementation of the new tax system changes speech The role of the ACCC in the implementation of the New Tax System changes Speech 09 Mar 2001 The GST: the ACCC's role and the impact on prices speech The ACCC's role and the impact on prices with the introduction of the GST Speech 18 Aug 2000 Freight rates and the ACCC speech The ACCC has been given additional powers and responsibilities and developed a much higher profile under its current Chairman, Professor Allan Fels, who was first appointed in 1991 Speech 26 Jul 2000 The ACCC and the GST: Where to now? speech Government's primary concerns was to minimise the overall impact of the tax changes on the level of prices Speech 30 Jun 2000 Dealing with pricing in the transition to the new tax system speech ACCC is encouraging compliance with the Trade Practices Act by emphasising how it can benefit business - especially small business in terms of performance and profitability. Speech 24 Nov 1999 Proposed amendments to the guidelines speech Focus of industry on the desired outcome of avoiding price exploitation rather than being overly prescriptive as to how business should go about it pricing Speech 20 Sep 1999 The ACCC's role in preventing price exploitation in relation to the New Tax System changes address Government passed legislation to reform fundamentally our existing taxation system Speech 30 Jul 1997 Fostering open competition through access pricing agreements speech Outline of the Commission’s on-going responsibilities in this area and a brief discussion of its approach to these responsibilities Page 1 of 1 Items per page (required) 25 items per page50 items per page100 items per page