Fulltext search (required) Topics Date range From (required) To (required) Set date range Quick selection This year to dateLast 12 monthsLast yearLast 5 years Advertising and promotions 38 Agriculture 19 Banking and finance 13 Buying and selling products and services 67 Cars and vehicles 6 Childcare 1 Competition and exemptions 282 Compliance and enforcement 87 Consumer Data Right 1 COVID-19 6 Debt 3 Digital platforms and services 28 Energy 67 Food and groceries 14 Franchising 15 Industry codes 32 Insurance 8 Mergers 57 Petrol and fuel 3 Postal services 2 Pricing 13 Problem with a product or service 17 Rail, shipping and ports 16 Regulated infrastructure 190 Scams 12 Stay protected 27 Telecommunications and internet 81 Travel and airports 10 Water 8 Pin topics filter Clear all Cars and vehicles 1 - 6 of 6 news items shown Sort by (required) Published dateRelevance Speech 04 May 2018 Driving reform in the automotive market address ACCC Chair Rod Sims, addresses the Australian Automobile Aftermarket Association, regarding the findings of the ACCC's new car retailing market study. Speech 18 Sep 2017 Advocacy and the regulator speech Chairman Rod Sims discusses the ACCC's New Car Retailing Industry Market Study investigating the competitiveness of the Australian retail car industry. Speech 24 Aug 2017 Chairman's address to CEDA WA Chairman Rod Sims outlines the role of the regulator in a changing economy, including recent actions the ACCC has taken on infrastructure pricing, against cartel conduct and to improve consumer protection. Speech 21 Apr 2016 Competition and consumer issues for a changing industry address ACCC Commissioner Roger Featherston addresses the Australian Auto Aftermarket Conference in Melbourne. He discusses proposed reforms to ease restrictions on consumers importing new vehicles. Speech 12 Apr 2005 Competition and consumer issues in Australia’s car rental industry speech It is unrealistic to think most consumers have the capacity to ‘comb’ through small print contracts at the rental desk. Speech 09 Nov 2004 Taxis and Trade Practices speech Compliance with the Trade Practices Act is beneficial to all parties. Full pager with select page option (required) Page 1 of 1 Items per page (required) 25 items per page50 items per page100 items per page