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Speech 07 Sep 2023 The new Gas Market Code: industry's responsibilities and the ACCC's role speech Ms Gina Cass-Gottlieb, ACCC Chair, gave a speech on 7 September 2023 at the Energy and Resources Law Association annual conference. Speech 01 Sep 2023 Law Council Annual Competition and Consumer Law Workshop speech Ms Gina Cass-Gottlieb, ACCC Chair, gave the opening address on September 1 to the Law Council Annual Competition and Consumer Law Workshop. Speech 21 Mar 2023 Australian Domestic Gas Outlook 2023 speech ACCC Commissioner Anna Brakey and Chair of the East Coast Gas Market Board spoke about Government intervention and policy for the gas markets and the findings of the 14th interim report of the ACCC’s inquiry into gas supply arrangements. Speech 20 Sep 2022 Speech to Sydney Morning Herald Sustainability Summit As consumers and businesses become more focused on sustainability to inform their purchasing decisions, businesses are increasingly advertising their ‘sustainability benefits’ to sell their goods and services. Speech 22 Mar 2022 Securing domestic gas supply to support our commercial and industrial users address Commissioner Anna Brakey addressed the Australian Domestic Gas Outlook conference on 22 March 2022. Speech 24 Mar 2021 Overcoming gas affordability issues speech ACCC Chair Rod Sims addresses the Australian Domestic Gas Outlook (ADGO) 2021 conference on topics related to the recent ACCC gas inquiry, recent disruptive impacts on the market and what more needs to be done to encourage a functioning competitive market for businesses and households. Speech 25 Aug 2020 A tipping point for energy affordability speech Australia has a unique opportunity to restore energy affordability, according to ACCC Chair Rod Sims. Speech 10 Oct 2019 Australia's electricity and gas affordability crisis address ACCC Chair Rod Sims addresses the 2019 AFR National Energy Summit about Australia’s electricity and gas affordability. Speech 01 Aug 2019 Welcome address: ACCC and AER Regulatory Conference 2019 ACCC Chair Rod Sims delivers a welcome address to the ACCC & AER Regulatory Conference. Speech 30 May 2019 State of the east coast gas industry address ACCC Chair Rod Sims delivers an address to 2019 APPEA Oil and Gas Conference in Brisbane. Speech 05 Mar 2019 Future of gas market regulation address ACCC Chair Rod Sims delivers an address to the 7th Australian Domestic Gas Outlook Conference in Sydney. Speech 16 Jul 2018 Consumer data and regulatory reform speech ACCC Chair Rod Sims delivers a speech to the National Consumer Data Policy Research Centre on the consumer data right, its benefits and the steps the ACCC has taken to update the digital platforms inquiry. Speech 12 Jul 2018 When and how to intervene in markets speech ACCC Chair Rod Sims delivers a speech to the Australian Conference of Economists, discussing a number of inquires the ACCC is involved with, including the digital platforms inquiry, the retail electricity prices inquiry and the consumer data right. Speech 03 May 2018 C&I users need affordable energy address ACCC Chair Rod Sims delivers an address to the Energy Users Association of Australia’s (EUAA) 2018 National Conference, highlighting the current state of Australia’s electricity and gas markets. Speech 28 Feb 2018 ACCC initiatives addressing the Australian domestic gas market Nicole Ross, General Manager ACCC Gas Inquiry Unit, delivered the speech on the ACCC Chairman's behalf due to an unavoidable scheduling conflict. Speech 20 Sep 2017 Shining a light: Australia's gas and electricity affordability problem address to the National Press Club 2017 Energy affordability issues are already hitting the manufacturing industry in Australia hard, ACCC Chairman Rod Sims told the National Press Club in a lunchtime address today. Speech 27 Jul 2017 Welcome address: ACCC and AER Regulatory Conference Recent discussions about electricity affordability have centred on electricity generation and the 15‑20% price rises in some states. Speech 14 Mar 2017 Recognising Australia's east coast gas crisis address A year on from the ACCC's inquiry into the east coast gas market, Chairman Rod Sims presents further insights into the review and the incoming regulatory measures affecting the entire gas value chain. Speech 15 Sep 2016 Keynote address to the South East Asia Australia Offshore and Onshore Conference Chairman Rod Sims outlines key findings from the ACCC's recent east coast gas inquiry covering the changing market, gas supply and pipeline regulation. Speech 09 Mar 2016 Keynote address: Observations on the east Australian gas market At the Australian Domestic Gas Outlook Conference in Sydney, ACCC Chairman Rod Sims provides three observations on the operations, intricacies and efficiency of the east Australian gas market. Speech 17 Sep 2015 The importance of adequate competition for the east coast gas market speech Australian Competition and Consumer Commission Chairman Rod Sims today shared some early insights from the ACCC’s inquiry into the east coast gas market in a speech to the Eastern Australia’s Energy Markets Outlook conference in Sydney. Speech 12 Jun 2015 Keynote Address: Inquiry into Australia's East Coast Gas Market At the Energy Networks Association's Gas Seminar in Melbourne, Chairman Rod Sims delivers the keynote address outlining the ACCC's approach to the inquiry into Australia's East Coast Gas Market. Speech 13 Oct 2014 Carbon, mergers and other issues speech With energy markets in Australia delivering significant challenges for all involved, Chairman Rod Sims provides an update on the ACCC's work on the carbon tax repeal and discusses merger process issues. Speech 07 Aug 2014 Regulating for efficient infrastructure outcomes opening address Chairman Rod Sims delivers the opening address to the ACCC / AER Regulatory Conference in Brisbane. Page 1 of 3Page 2 of 3Page 3 of 3 Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page ›› › Last page Last » Items per page (required) 25 items per page50 items per page100 items per page