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Speech 30 Apr 2024 ACCC’s latest work in the telecommunications sector - speech to the Comms Day Summit Anna Brakey, ACCC Commissioner, addressed the Comms Day Summit on the ACCC’s latest work in the telecommunications sector on 30 April 2024. Speech 02 May 2023 ACCC rejects NBN Co Special Access Undertaking variation speech to the Comms Day Summit Anna Brakey, ACCC Commissioner, addressed the Comms Day Summit on the ACCC rejection of the NBN Co Special Access Undertaking variation on Tuesday 2 May 2023. Speech 06 Apr 2020 Our priorities in the telecommunications sector during this crisis keynote address ACCC Chair Rod Sims delivered the opening keynote address at the CommsDay Summit 2020: ‘Redefining Tomorrow. Speech 01 Aug 2019 Welcome address: ACCC and AER Regulatory Conference 2019 ACCC Chair Rod Sims delivers a welcome address to the ACCC & AER Regulatory Conference. Speech 08 Apr 2019 NBN affordability a growing issue address ACCC Chair Rod Sims delivers an address to the CommsDay Summit in Sydney. Speech 30 Oct 2018 Competition and the 5G spectrum address ACCC Chair Rod Sims addresses the ACMA RadComms 2018 conference regarding competition issues and the 5G spectrum. Speech 15 Oct 2018 Gilbert and Tobin seminar: the data economy speech questions included: Questions included how should market definition apply to data/information markets?, how should factual and counterfactual assessments be carried out where there are high levels of uncertainty?, and what is the relationship between the CDR and access regimes, and what is the ACCC’s approach to enforcement action in this area?. Speech 16 Jul 2018 Consumer data and regulatory reform speech ACCC Chair Rod Sims delivers a speech to the National Consumer Data Policy Research Centre on the consumer data right, its benefits and the steps the ACCC has taken to update the digital platforms inquiry. Speech 12 Jul 2018 When and how to intervene in markets speech ACCC Chair Rod Sims delivers a speech to the Australian Conference of Economists, discussing a number of inquires the ACCC is involved with, including the digital platforms inquiry, the retail electricity prices inquiry and the consumer data right. Speech 27 Feb 2018 The ACCC and the Net Economy speech Deputy Chair Delia Rickard discusses the ACCC's inquiry into digital platforms, and their impact on the media and advertising markets. Speech 01 Nov 2017 Evolution or revolution? Why competition matters for 5G speech ACCC Chairman Rod Sims on the ACCC’s rethink on the way it approaches spectrum ahead of 5G auction. Speech 24 Aug 2017 Chairman's address to CEDA WA Chairman Rod Sims outlines the role of the regulator in a changing economy, including recent actions the ACCC has taken on infrastructure pricing, against cartel conduct and to improve consumer protection. Speech 20 Jul 2017 Communications at the turning point address Addressing the Communications Day Unwired Revolution Conference in Sydney, ACCC Chairman Rod Sims welcomed the entry of new mobile and fixed broadband competitors into the Australian telecommunications market, and outlined ACCC activities in the sector such as the broadband speed monitoring program. Speech 04 Oct 2016 Keynote address to the CommsDay Congress At the Commsday Congress in Melbourne, ACCC Chairman Rod Sims outlines the market study into the communications sector and the linked declaration inquiry into domestic mobile roaming. Speech 01 Sep 2015 Communications affordability and the role of efficient markets speech Addressing the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network Conference in Sydney, Chairman Rod Sims discusses aspects of the ACCC's work which affects communications affordability. Speech 17 Nov 2014 Solving the multi-technology puzzle: The ACCC’s perspective speech Addressing the CommsDay and Communications Alliance event in Sydney, ACCC Chairman Rod Sims discusses infrastructure based competition; one of the key themes pervading the Vertigan review findings. Speech 21 Feb 2014 CEDA conference: Looking forward to 2014 address Chairman, Rod Sims, announces the ACCC's priorities for 2014. Speech 18 Nov 2013 A regulator's perspective: The NBN rebooted workshop address Addressing an industry forum hosted by CommsDay and the Communications Alliance in Sydney, Chairman Rod Sims explains the ACCC's role in regulating the National Broadband Network will continue to focus on promoting competitive and efficient markets. Speech 30 Sep 2013 A future regulatory outlook address Addressing the University of Wollongong’s SMART international infrastructure symposium, ACCC Chairman Rod Sims discusses the role that appropriate infrastructure regulation can play in the wider productivity debate. Speech 11 Apr 2013 Dealing with our continuing communications industry revolution address In an address to the Australia-Israel Chamber of Commerce in Brisbane, ACCC Chairman Rod Sims explains that the ACCC is well placed to deal with the many issues that will flow from the continuing communications industry revolution. Speech 28 Feb 2013 Observations on audiovisual content delivery in Australia speech ACCC Commissioner, Ed Willett provides the Broadcasting Summit with observations on how the ACCC is considering issues relating to audiovisual content delivery in Australia, especially using IP delivered content. Speech 07 Jun 2011 Consumers 2011 address The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and the first year of the Australian Consumer Law, the ACCC's approach to enforcement, consumer protection in telecommunications and the ACCC's scope of activities and international engagement Speech 01 Apr 2011 Telecommunications regulation: the new paradigm address ACCC Chairman Graeme Samuel's address to the Annual Australian Telecommunication Users Group Conference 200 Speech 04 May 2010 Telecommunications and media: the changing landscape address ACCC Chairman Graeme Samuel addresses consumer issues in relation to telecommunications, outlines the widespread convergence occurring in the communications and media sectors and its implications for the industry players, consumers and the regulatory environment. 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