The ACCC wishes to inform you of our operations over the Christmas and New Year period.

Key functions of the ACCC will still operate but at limited capacity.

ACCC offices

Our offices will be closed from 12pm AEDT on Tuesday 24 December until 9am local time, Thursday 2 January 2025.


The Infocentre phone lines will be closed from 3pm AEDT on Monday 23 December, and will reopen at 11am AEDT on Thursday 2 January 2025. Consumers and small businesses who would like to make a report to the Infocentre are encouraged to submit a web form.

Media enquiries

For journalists with urgent enquiries, please call 0408 995 408 (no texts). The team will be back in the office from 2 January 2025.

Product safety

Please visit the Product Safety Australia website to report an unsafe product, or submit a mandatory report or recall notification.

Merger enquiries

Any queries or information in relation to a merger or acquisition (whether or not the ACCC is presently reviewing it) should be emailed to

Notifications and authorisation applications

Applicants wishing to lodge a notification or application for authorisation should follow the instructions set out on the ACCC website at How to apply for an authorisation and How to lodge a notification and use the Authorisations and notifications web form.

For any urgent queries over this period, please email

FOI requests

All applications lodged under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 will be assessed when the ACCC office reopens on 2 January 2025.

The ACCC wishes you a safe and enjoyable holiday period.